Have you ever contemplated what it would be like if the collectivists had full control of all levels of government? For the past eighteen months or so you have been getting a first hand look. How is that feeling to 'ya?
Let's see......
Prices in many sectors reaching mult-decades high......
Monetary printing presses running at break-neck speed......
Businesses shuttering because of lack of workers (for several reasons)......
Mediocre/poor service becoming the norm.....
Governmental fear-mongering enjoying fantastic success......
Government mandates run amuck.....
Crony-capitalism growing by leaps and bounds.....
Plus a few thousand more examples.....
"Build Back Better"? Uh, no..... feels more like...... Deconstruct It Faster.
In many states and locales, collectivist control is not a new situation. The collectivists have had that control for some time. And now we are witnessing the collectivist crowd running the entire Republic.
As the radical collectivists born out of the 60's began to take the reigns of power in the 80's, the great divide in politics began to appear and quickly widen. Today, those collectivist are in far too many seats of power. From politics at all levels of government, to bureaucracy in all levels of government, to controlling and operating the education system, to controlling many board rooms across corporate america.
Are you prepared for the long term effects of that control?
Have you prepared your family, your children, your grandchildren for the DEvolution of the Republic? From food, to a roof over their head, to medicine. Can you answer the question when your kids ask “why there is nothing to eat?”. Can you explain why you never figured out how to grow a vegetable, or shoot a deer, or catch a fish, or skin a muskrat? Can you explain why you never bought a timber saw and fire starter? Can you explain why you know nothing about herbal medicine?
I always thought my grandparents saw the biggest changes in the Republic. They were born before kerosene and ended their lives watching men land on the moon on that picture box called television. That had to be an amazing span of events to personally witness and live through.
Until the last couple of decades, I never for a minute considered that my generation would see men land on the moon, a president assassinated under questionable circumstances, and see the Republic start to devolve into some equivelant of Venezuela. But here we are, here we go, and the train is picking up speed. When will it derail? You could start a pool, because it is anyones’ guess.
And then there is that old saying, "it is what it is".
That is where I live. I prefer to see what "is", or at least what “is” in my version of reality, and that's what must be addressed. There is no value in having a hissy-fit and posting a million memes on social media about this or that current circumstance.... it is what it is.... That is wasted energy that needs to be applied to addressing the noted situation within your clan and keep moving them forward with the necessary speed changes and course corrections that the identified situation dictates.
Three decades ago when I acquired my corner BFE, the plan at that point in time was entirely different. It was a property to build a place to retire, relax, and live my version of the good life. But, for the past decade and a half, that focus has changed nearly one hundred and eighty degrees to a survival view. Most every expenditure of time, education, effort, and money has been to that end.
Can the current direction of the Republic be changed? Not without a great deal of blood, sweat, and tears. (Apologies to the band.)
If you believe that blood, sweat, and tears are not necessary, and not just one, but all three of them, I would suggest some serious, pragmatic contemplation of that position. I believe in dealing with problems in a sensible way that suits the conditions they really exist, rather than following some fixed "theory", some ethereal "ideal", some "rule", or some high-brow "philosophy" that we can return to “the good times”.
I recently wrote a piece about that position -
The collectivists have been "growing" their replacements for over fifty years now ( a couple of generations and the third is well on the way). It is a bountiful crop because it is an easy crop to grow. There is no effort involved, and they are as hardy as the most vengeful weed. And you really think that can be changed in a minute and thirty seconds? Really?
If you believe that, good luck to ya'. I will be focused on my micro version of Newton Knight and what he did in Jones County, Mississippi during the Civil War. I will be prepared to deal with the new guard in an old guard way.
Is this all Henny Penny (Chicken Little) and the sky is falling? One can only hope that it is. One can only hope that in another decade or two, I will be looked at as Chicken Little. But in the current environment, I don't see that happening.
Whether you agree or disagree is immaterial. The only question is, have you studied your personal/family situation, made the necessary decisions, and determined a path and direction for you and your family?
Whether your path is similar to mine or totally opposite does not matter. We will all be required to deal with our decisions. Only time will tell what approach works out the best.